Learning Was Never So Easy
Are you curious about cannabis and interested in buying seedlings or seeds with exotic names like Afghan, Purple Power, Hollands Hoop, Shiva or Master Kush? Cannabis College in Amsterdam is the place to learn everything you have always wanted to know about weed and hashish, but never dared ask – learning was never so easy.

Cannabis College
Cannabis College is a non-profit organization that started in 1998 in one room with newspaper clippings as information leaflets. Since then, the brochures have become more sophisticated. Take your time to look at the displays of hundreds of samples of cannabis-related products. Did you know that hemp and cannabis are the same plant and that consumption of hemp will not make you high?
Hemp is grown for its fibre whereas the cannabis for its narcotic effect. Snowboards, skateboards and tennis rackets contain hemp or flax fibres. The reason is that hemp absorbs large shocks and reduces the risks of injuries. Hemp is also the main component of cordage, paper and nautical equipment. It is also used in building materials and even plastics.

Hashish, cannabis and weed
Staff will tell you that over half the amount of grass sold in Dutch coffeeshops is grown in the Netherlands and is known as nederwiet. The general belief is that the THC-content, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive compound in marihuana and hashish, has increased in Dutch-grown nederwiet.
Those who oppose the coffeeshop culture believe this statement, while others who argue in favour of liberal drug policies disagree. As media information and government advice is often one-sided, Cannabis College’s goal is to provide the complete story about marihuana and its usage in order to educate people and promote intelligent and informed debates.

Cannabis College: Grow Room
If ever you have considered growing your own, a visit to Cannabis College is your opportunity to become an expert. You will find everything you need to know in the college’s grow room. Your biggest challenge is the need for quite a bit of equipment and a constant day-night rhythm; otherwise your seedlings will not survive.
An additional problem is that only female plants produce weed. The sex of the plants is difficult to determine, but if you spot green buds growing in the armpits of the branches, hanging kind of upside down covered with sort of spikes, like hair, you ARE lucky. You possess a female plant. All right, let the day-night rhythm not deter you.All beginnings are tricky.

Getting there
Address: Cannabis College, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 124, Amsterdam
Opening Hours 7 days a week from 10.00-18.00
photos Marianne Crone